In December 2021, campaign partner, APCOF crafted an OP-Ed in South Africa’s Daily Maverick entitled ‘City of Cape Town’s ‘broken windows’ policy demands more than a criminal justice response’, in response to the City of Cape Town’s highly controversial “deliberate decision to fine the homeless”. The article makes explicit the urgency required to replace criminalisation with rights-based alternatives already contained within existing laws and policies.
City of Cape Town’s ‘broken windows’ policy demands more than a criminal justice response
9 December, 2021
9 December, 2021
Type of Update:
In the News
Updates from our Partners
In the News
Updates from our Partners
Alternatives to Criminalisation
Cost of Exclusion
Fees and Fines
Human Rights
Use of Public Spaces
Alternatives to Criminalisation
Cost of Exclusion
Fees and Fines
Human Rights
Use of Public Spaces
South Africa
South Africa
Campaign Partners:
Africa Policing Civilian Oversight Forum
Africa Policing Civilian Oversight Forum
The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.
#DecrimPoverty | #DecrimStatus | #DecrimActivism