Litigation sprints

At the Campaign’s 2022 Annual Convening, held in Stellenbosch, South Africa on 27-29 September 2022, campaign members showcased a range of legal defence strategies employed and explored the potential for litigation at both the national and regional level. The following posters presented by participants demonstrated viable means to challenge the weaponisation of criminal justice systems and law enforcement against the poor and marginalised.

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Housing not Handcuffs
#Housing Not Handcuffs
History of vagrancy laws in Uganda
A History of Vagrancy Laws in Uganda
Advisory Opinion on the Compatibility of Vagrancy Laws with African Charter and Human Rights Instruments
Amicus Briefs in support of the Advisory Opinion on the Compatibility of Vagrancy laws
Blake vs City Grants Pass
Blake vs City Grants Pass
Challenging police sweeping exercises
Challenging police sweeping exercises
Challenging policies and practices which inhibit the work of migrants as informal traders
Challenging policies and practices which inhibit the work of migrants as informal traders
Challenging stop-and-frisk policies in New York
Challenging stop-and-frisk policies in New York
Challenging the criminalisation of begging
Challenging the criminalisation of begging
Challenging the criminalisation of poverty in Malawi
Challenging the criminalisation of poverty in Malawi
Criminalisation of Mahua Liquor
Criminalisation of Mahua Liquor
Decriminalizing poverty and marginalization in Nepal
Decriminalizing Poverty & Marginalization in Nepal: Ending unjust fines & debtors' prisons
AdvocAid vs Govt of Sierra Leone
ECOWAS Court Case to overturn Sierra Leone's discriminatory loitering laws
Excluded from Justice - using research to inform litigation and advocacy strategies
Excluded from Justice: Using research to inform litigation and advocacy strategies
Interdicting the harassment of sex workers under Environmental Nuisance Laws in Abuja
Interdicting the Harassment of Sex Workers under Environmental Nuisance Laws in Abuja
Litigation and advocacy strategies to decriminalise same-sex sex in Botswana
Litigation and Advocacy Strategies to Decriminalise Same-Sex Sex in Botswana
Litigation and other strategies to challenge police abuse of sex workers in Malawi
Litigation and other strategies to challenge police abuse of sex workers in Malawi
Prison overcrowding in Madhya Pradesh India
Prison overcrowding in Madhya Pradesh, India
Providing legal representation for protestors in Tunisia
Providing legal representation for protestors in Tunisia
Requesting Advisory Opinion at the African Court
Requesting an Advisory Opinion from the African Court
Criminalization of poverty and mass incarceration in the US
The Criminalization of Poverty and Mass Incarceration in the United States
Decriminalisation of Petty Offences in Uganda
The Decriminalisation of Petty Offences in Uganda
The offence of attempted suicide
The Offence of Attempted Suicide
Trapped Inside - addressing gaps in the criminal justice system through litigation research advocacy
Trapped Inside: Addressing gaps in the criminal justice system through litigation, research and advocacy

The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.


#DecrimPoverty   |  #DecrimStatus  |  #DecrimActivism