‘Equal before the Law?’ – Petty offences on BBC podcast

“The vendor who changed Malawi: Mayeso Gwanda took the state to court after his arrest for an outdated and vague petty crime. While he was successful in changing the law, the African Union is calling for more to be done. Enforcing these sorts of minor offences leads to lifelong consequences for the continent’s most poor and vulnerable people.”

BBC World Service’s podcast #TheComb discusses petty offences in Africa in their latest episode entitled “Equal before the law?”. Focusing on Malawi & Sierra Leone, the episode includes an interview with Mayeso Gwanda.

Listen to the full episode here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09y0y8n

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15 October, 2021
Type of Update:
In the News
Campaign Activities
Human Rights
Petty Offences
Use of Public Spaces

The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.


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