IDPC: In 2001, Portugal implemented a groundbreaking policy that decriminalized the possession and use of small amounts of illicit drugs, while maintaining criminal penalties for drug trafficking. Amidst record-breaking overdose death rates in the United States, what lessons can we learn from Portugal as we seek to curb overdose rates and build a comprehensive approach to addiction?
Please join the O’Neill Institute’s Addiction and Public Policy Initiative for a timely conversation with Dr. João Goulão, Portugal’s General-Director for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, who will discuss his country’s approach to substance use and addiction.
The panel will also feature other U.S. addiction policy experts, including former Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Director Michael Botticelli, and more to be announced. Appointed by President Barack Obama, former Director Botticelli was the first ONDCP director in recovery from a substance use disorder.
This event will be live-captioned. A captioned version of this presentation will also be made available shortly by July 18, 2023, on O’Neill’s YouTube page.