Freed petty offenders back in police custody

Two petty offenders released last week on Presidential pardon are back in police custody on suspicions of committing fresh crimes.

The two — one from Nyeri and the other from Laikipia West — were lucky to escape lynching by enraged mobs.

In Nyeri, George Kimani, who was released from King’ong’o Prison where his serving time for being in possession of bhang, was accused of stealing his neighbour’s sheep on Sunday, barely three days after President Uhuru Kenyatta freed him together with 7,000 other petty offenders on Mashujaa Day last week.

He was arrested on Sunday in his Iria-ini home in Othaya, where he is said to have been in possession of 10 rolls of bhang.

The sheep is said to have gone missing from the neighbour’s compound prompting a frantic search around the neighbourhood.

Police said they found it in Kimani’s bathroom and that he is being held at Othaya Police Station waiting to be charged with theft and being in possession of narcotics.

Nyeri South Divisional Police Commander Joseph Mwika said the suspect was lucky not to have been lynched by his neighbours. “Some of these people never learn. But we will continue to monitor their behaviour outside prison,” he added.


In Laikipa West, 26-year-old Lucas Ngugi Njoroge was on Monday charged in court with theft after he allegedly stole church offering.

 Njoroge who was serving time at the Nyahururu GK Prison denied stealing Sh900 at the Ol Jabet African Independent Pentecostal Church in Laikipia on Sunday. He was also charged with obtaining property illegally.

According to the prosecution, Njoroge dipped his hand into the collection basket but instead of dropping in his contribution, he scooped Sh900 and stuffed it in his pockets.

He was whisked away from the angry congregation that wanted to lynch him by assistant chief Charles Ngunjiri who took him to the Ol Jabet Police Post for questioning.

The prosecutor asked the court not to release the accused on bond , saying he was a known jail bird and that his life would be in danger if released.

“He seems not to be remorseful of his deeds even after he was pardoned as he committed the offence barely 24 hours after he was released,” said Ms Alice Rugut, the prosecutor.

The magistrate ordered the accused person to be remanded until November 2, when the case will be mentioned.

First Published by Daily Nation

30 November, 2016

The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.


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