Hong Kong: ‘Absurd’ attempt to ban protest song a clear violation of international law

Responding to the Hong Kong government’s bid to seek a court order to prohibit people from singing, broadcasting or distributing the protest song “Glory to Hong Kong”, the Head of Amnesty International’s China Team, Sarah Brooks, said: “The Hong Kong government’s absurd campaign to outlaw a song shows just how little respect it has for human rights. “Banning ‘Glory to Hong Kong’ would be in clear contradiction of international human rights law and standards, despite the government falsely claiming that such a move would be consistent with the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and international human rights treaties binding on Hong Kong.

Read full article: Hong Kong: ‘Absurd’ attempt to ban protest song a clear violation of international law

Photo by Chi Lok TSANG on Unsplash

9 June, 2023
Type of Update:
In the News
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Human Rights
Hong Kong
Campaign Partners:
Amnesty International

The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.


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