Petty Offences Newsletter: Digest of Campaign activities in September 2020

In September 2020, the Regional Campaign to Decriminalise Petty Offences hosted a virtual conference entitled Policing Pandemics, Balancing Rights. The conference communique and recordings of the conference are available online, for 14 September 202015 September 2020, and 16 September 2020. Snippets from some of the conference presentations are included in this newsletter.

Find the newsletter here.

Image 09-02-2023 at 14.28
9 October, 2020
Petty Offences
Alternatives to Criminalisation
Courts Systems
Human Rights
Public Health
Use of Public Spaces

The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.


#DecrimPoverty   |  #DecrimStatus  |  #DecrimActivism