Judicial accountability and independence must be upheld

ICJ-Kenya: The Kenyan Chapter of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-K) is championing for Judicial Independence and Accountability in the country, that will facilitate Judicial institutions to properly execute their mandate.

On the sidelines of this year’s Annual Jurists Conference, ICJ Kenya Executive Director Elsy Sainna and Chairperson Protas Saende observed that there was need to review the functions and mechanisms provided by the Judicial Service Commission to advance Judicial accountability.

“There are concerns by jurists themselves that Judicial Independence is becoming a concern.It is increasingly being compromised by justice sector actors but also within the judiciary, the functions and mechanism provided by the judicial service commission needs to be reviewed and relooked so that judicial accountability and independence as envisaged in the constitution 2010 as we had agreed as Kenyans to defend, is advanced and entrenched,” said  ICJ Kenya Executive Director Elsy Sainna.

Arms of the government such as the Executive have been accused of interfering with the Judiciary instead of also championing and supporting its independence.

Read full article: Judicial accountability and independence must be upheld

24 October, 2023
Type of Update:
Updates from our Partners
Courts Systems
Human Rights
Campaign Partners:
International Commission of Jurists – Kenyan Section

The Campaign to Decriminalise Poverty and Status is a coalition of organisations from across the world that advocate for the repeal of laws that target people based on poverty, status or for their activism.


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