Shortcomings in Criminal Justice Exposed

Judiciary report is raising serious concerns over the number of cases being overturned on appeal, and the low number of suspects charged after arrests. The report, Status of the Judiciary...

Madagascar’s Prison Shame

The concrete floor of a prison cell crawls with bodies as detainees labour to draw their limbs closer to their torsos. The little light illuminating this daily custom, an exercise...

KENYA:We must stop criminalising poverty

By Collins Odote A fundamental tenet of any civilized society is the guarantee that the rule of law is the basis of governance. This requires that everybody is treated equally before...

Communique: Poverty is not a crime

It remains the case that too many people, especially the poor and other disadvantaged groups, are arrested and even detained for the transgression of minor offences, such as loitering, being...

The Policing Of Sex Work In South Africa

Marginalised and stigmatised groups in society such as migrants, sex workers, homeless people and drug users are at particular risk of human rights violations during policing and security operations because...

KENYA:Poverty is Not a Crime: Kisumu Residents Lament Harassment on Petty Offences

International Commission of Jurists Kenyan Chapter (ICJ Kenya) extended their decriminalization and re-classification of petty offences campaign to Kisumu’s Ofafa Hall on March 17th 2018. The campaign compliments ICJ Kenya’s...

How One Man Defeated the Legacy of an Empire

Across Africa, corrupt police officers use colonial laws to extort bribes, arrest and sexually assault the indigent and punish anyone they don't like. Malawi is throwing out these imperial outdated...