ACHPR/Res. 366 (EXT.OS/XX1) 2017

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), meeting at its 21st Extraordinary Session held from 23 February to 4 March 2017 in Banjul, The Gambia; Recalling its...

Decriminalisation of petty offences

May 5, 2017 By NLM Reporter Criminalisation of petty offences in Kenya has, over time, provided a basis for gross violation of the human rights of poor and vulnerable populations,...

Gwanda: Vendor who changed the law

Lawmakers have moved at a snail's pace to change some draconian laws and history will record that it took a vendor to get the Constitutional Court to invalidate a section...

Demystifying Petty Offences K24's Ian Wafula takes a look at Human rights violations in regards to petty offences, challenges and understanding your rights. Lorraine Ochiel (ICJ Kenya), Kimani Waweru (City and Street...

Decriminalisation of Vagrancy Laws in Malawi

The goals of the project include law reform initiatives aimed at the decriminalisation and/or declassification of minor nuisance-related offences in Malawi and the region; and the reduction in human rights...

Meeting with Hawkers

ICJ Kenya held a forum to engage with hawkers on the decriminalization and declassification of petty crimes. This was informed by their recent subjection to cruel and inhuman treatment by...

Petty Offences

The Ouagadougou Declaration and Plan of Action on Accelerating Prison and Penal Reform in Africa of 2003[1] endorsed recommendations calling for reducing the size of prison populations in Africa. The...

Key Concepts of Petty Offences

Bail: The temporary release of an accused person from prison pending trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be paid to the Court to guarantee the accused persons...

Arrests for petty offences

The ICCPR guarantees everyone the equal enjoyment of civil and political rights in the Covenant,[1] the right to liberty and security of person,[2] and not to be subjected to arbitrary...

Outdated vagrancy laws must go

ByLouise Ehlers | July 22nd, 2013 Data gathered during the audit of pre-trial detainees in Malawi suggests that the yearly exposure of the population to prison on remand could be...