Everyday policing is casteist

CJ-PAP: The systemic oppression of marginalised communities by the criminal justice system is poorly understood and rarely questioned. Here’s how this is changing. In 1871, the British colonial government introduced...

Rejecting the colonial legacy of discriminatory laws

States around the world should repeal discriminatory and archaic laws that reproduce historical inequalities and patterns of oppression. In 2018, Theresa May, then UK prime minister, expressed “deep regret” for Britain’s colonial...

AUC-NANHRI Policy Forum 2023

Addis Ababa, 18 May 2023: The African Union Commission (AUC) in collaboration with the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) organized the AUC-NANHRI Policy Dialogue on the State of...

APCOF delivers statement at ACHPR 75th Session

APCOF delivered a statement on behalf of the Campaign during the 75th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, held in Banjul and online. The statement focuses on the...

PALU 2023 Annual Conference announced

The Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), the premier continental forum for lawyers and lawyers’ associations, which membership has grown exponentially and now comprises of over five regional lawyers’ associations (RLAs),...

CleanStart Founder awarded Elevate Prize 2023

CleanStart: Congratualations to Teresa Njoroge, the CEO & Founder of the CleanStart, for being awarded the coveted Elevate Prize. Through Clean Start, her innovative approach has transformed the lives of...

Malaysia’s sedition irony

One of the Sultan of Malaysia’s purchased a painting depicting parliamentarians as apes and frogs, a commentary on floor crossing, with no consequence (top image). In contrast, political cartoonists have...

Food, Housing, and Racial Justice Symposium

The Human Rights Clinic and Program at the University of Miami School of Law, in collaboration with the Human Rights Society, the Office of Intellectual Life, the Environmental Law Program,...